Frap - Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching
Fluorescence technique that enables measuring speed of the movement of the fluorescence molecules f. e. proteins inside living cells.
Schematic description of the experiment performed using the FRAP technique At time t<0 fluorescent surface is scanned and it is recorded the fluorescence intensity F0. ROI is then bleached with a strong laser beam at time t = 0, and the fluorescence intensity decreases to F(0). Fluorescent molecules diffuse from outside the ROI in order to restore balance and intensity of the fluorescence is restored. At the end of the experiment conducted properly fluorescence intensity reaches a value F(infinity).
FCS - Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Fluorescence technique that enables measuring speed of the movement of the fluorescence molecules f. e. proteins inside living cells.
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) is a fluorescence technique based on confocal microscopy, which revolves on examining the fluorescence signal recorded for mobile fluorescently labelled molecules. As these molecules pass through the detection area they cause temporal fluctuations in the fluorescence signal. The signal is then correlated to obtain physical parameters such as mobility and concentration.